
The “Tomoe Flash Mental Calculation Game” is now available on your smartphone!

The "Flash Mental Calculation Game" made by Tomoe Soroban is renewed !!
You can participate the Flash Mental Calculation Game with free of charge and can compete other participants to be a champion of the world.
We add the following two calculation: 2-digit, 5-number. 3-digit, 5-number. It is available for you to access from your Smartphone. So, you can try anytime you like. This game is also made to be used for a large screen. So, it can be used at the Mental Calculation Tournament.
Let's try now !

The “Tomoe Flash Mental Calculation Game” is now available on your smartphone!
The “Tomoe Flash Mental Calculation Game” is now available on your smartphone!
The “Tomoe Flash Mental Calculation Game” is now available on your smartphone!

あなたの脳はこれを 聞き取れますか!?


Now 個別指導塾





Tmoe MI Academy